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Officers standing by squad cars
Motorcycle Unit and CCOV in a parade
Officers at a community fun run
Officers high fiving citizens at a community event
Officers at a charity event with the CCOV
Honor Gaurd folding the American flag
Officer at a school
Officers standing at attention

Victim Services

Being the victim of a crime is a very disturbing experience. Crime often destroys a victim's sense of trust in their surroundings and their sense of control over their lives. This intangible impact is often described as an invisible wound on the crime victim's life.

Definition of a Crime Victim

A person who has been injured either physically or emotionally due to the occurrence of a crime. Victims include individuals who have been direct targets of violence or property loss or damage, their family members, and people who experience emotional trauma as a result of witnessing such an incident.

Basic Rights of Victims and Witnesses

The right to:

  • Be treated with fairness and respect throughout the criminal justice process;
  • Have timely disposition of the case following the arrest of the accused;
  • Be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process;
  • Notification of court proceedings;
  • Make a statement to the court at sentencing;
  • Property being held as evidence to be returned in a timely fashion;
  • Restitution and compensation, and
  • Be told about available community resources.

The Oshkosh Police Department is committed to a seven-step approach that will ensure that all victims and their families are treated with empathy, compassion, courtesy, sensitivity and respect and in such a way as to maximize their feelings of safety and security.


People who become victims of crime are generally at a higher risk of being re-victimized. We will protect victims from intimidation and educate them as to how to decrease their likelihood of re-victimization. We will also proactively work with residents to develop strategies to prevent them from being victimized the first time.


Victims will receive current and accurate referral information about community-based victim service professionals whose role is to provide ongoing support and assistance.


Officers and Detectives will provide Victim Information Sheets as well as other information about their rights. Detectives and Officers will update victims on case status, progress of investigation and provide follow-up contact for additional information and to check on their welfare.

There is a possibility that an arrest will not be made. Most cases do not lead to an arrest and/or a referral to the district attorney. Follow-up will be provided on those cases where arrests have not been made.

The Department will provide victims with access to information and referral to community-based services.


The Department will ensure that information is available in languages that represent the community’s composition and that those with disabilities have equal access to services.


The Department will work collaboratively with victim service providers and other criminal justice professionals to ensure that victims receive consistent information and support throughout their involvement with the criminal justice system.


The Department will empower victims by encouraging them to ask questions and by empathetically listening to their concerns.


The Department will conduct thorough investigations and follow-ups and hold offenders accountable for their crimes.

General Information:
Winnebago County Crime Victim Information

Victim/Witness Brochures:
WI Statewide VINE Service
Responding to Crime Related Trauma
A Measure of Justice | Spanish | Hmong
Crime Victim Compensation Program Application

Oshkosh Police Department Non-Emergency/Front Desk: (920) 236-5700
LGBTQ Community Liaison Assistant Chief Kurt Schoeni: (920) 236-5724
Winnebago County Departments