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Officers standing by squad cars
Motorcycle Unit and CCOV in a parade
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Officers at a charity event with the CCOV
Honor Gaurd folding the American flag
Officer at a school
Officers standing at attention

Professional Standards Division - Professional Development/Training

Photo of Sergeant Chris Romanowicz Sergeant Chris Romanowicz

(920) 236-5757 | Email

The Training Unit is headed by Sergeant Chris Romanowicz and is part of the Professional Standards Division within the Administrative Bureau. Sergeant Romanowicz is responsible for meeting all of the training needs of the department. This includes the development of training lesson plans, conducting training programs, keeping accurate training records and developing department instructors. In addition to training, Sergeant Romanowicz supervises the Digital Evidence Technician and Evidence and Property Clerks.

Photo of officers training The goal of the Training Division is to provide officers with educational opportunities to improve their skills and abilities, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of police services provided to the community.

To accomplish this goal the Training Division has an ongoing evaluation process designed to identify training needs and to seek out the best available training opportunities. Typically factors which influence this process are demands placed on the department by current trends in the community and the make up of the department itself. This requires training methods to be refined and updated on a regular basis and for training of officers to be conducted on a continual basis.

Newly assigned officers are required to complete 720 hours of training at a Police Recruit Academy, prior to being certified by the State of Wisconsin as an officer. The basic academy is then followed by an intense 14 week Field Training Program. The recruit officer is assigned to work with an experienced Field Training Officer who trains, observes, and evaluates the newly assigned officer's progress and performance.

Much of the training that is done each year is done during our annual week of In-service training. This week of training addresses many of the changing trends in law enforcement. We use certified instructors from inside the department along with experts from outside. Examples of In-service training topics include: Active Shooter Response, Officer Survival, Returning Veterans Issues (PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries), CPR, Taser Recertification, Patrol Rifle Qualification and Legal Update training.

Training is also accomplished through short Roll-Call training sessions. Roll-Call training is done once per week during the briefing before the officers begin their shifts.

Some of the training provided to sworn officers on a continual basis is as follows:

  • Active Shooter Response
  • Firearms
  • Defense and Arrest Tactics (DAAT)
  • Use of force decision making
  • Less lethal force options
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Blood borne pathogens
  • Policy and Procedure updates
  • Legal updates
  • Officer survival skills
  • Patrol procedures
  • Juvenile procedures
  • Evidence collection and crime scene preservation
  • Drug enforcement techniques
  • Domestic abuse procedures
  • Community relations
  • Mental health

Photo of SWAT training

In addition to the above listed training, officers assigned to specialized units or assignments within the department receive additional training to increase their knowledge and skills. The following is a list of some of the units or assignments, which officers receive additional training:

  • Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
  • Hostage negotiations
  • Command post operations
  • Mobile Field Force
  • Accident Investigation
  • Field Training Officer (FTO)
  • Handgun & Rifle Instructor
  • Defense and Arrest Tactics Instructor (DAAT)
  • Emergency Vehicle Operation Instructor (EVOC)
  • Vehicle Contacts Instructor
  • Armorers assigned to service firearms
  • Detectives
  • School Resource Officers

The department also provides training for civilian employees, Auxiliary Police, and to the public. Civilian employees include Community Service Officers (CSO), Telecommunication Clerks, Report Processors, and clerical staff.

Auxiliary Police officers receive training, which allows this volunteer organization to assist the department with special events and in some cases emergency situations.

The Training Unit also acts as a resource for the community. Citizens with questions about the operation of the department, training which officers receive, or those who are seeking information in an area related to law enforcement can contact the Training Unit.

Service groups that would like to know more about the law enforcement field should feel free to call. The Oshkosh Police Department has a cadre of great instructors, and with the new technology coming into law enforcement, these programs are always a hit.

In-Sevice Training

Photo of Officer in squad car Photo of OPD squad car

Photo of Officers training Photo of Officer inside the CCOV