Special Operations
Special Events

The Special Operations Unit is also responsible for coordinating with organizers of special events that occur in the City of Oshkosh to ensure the safety of the event with minimal disruption to the city as a whole. Annually, over 200 special events were held in Oshkosh including concerts at the Leach Amphitheater, cultural and community fests, parades, and races and runs that use city streets.
The City of Oshkosh is one of the leaders in our state for special events. Only Milwaukee holds more events. For this reason, the City of Oshkosh has adopted a comprehensive special events policy. There are several items that a first time organizer of a special event should take into consideration.
- Will the event use city property, such as a park, street or sidewalk?
This is an important question to ask, as any organized event that is held in a city park uses a city street or requires a street or portion of the street to be closed, which requires approval of the Oshkosh Common Council.
- Who do I contact if I want to hold a special event?
Requests to hold a special event should be directed to the City Special Event Coordinator (920-232-5301). The City Special Event Coordinator will then bring the request to the Special Event Review Committee, which consists of representative from all City Departments. You will be invited to a meetings with those representatives to review the event. The event will then be sent to the City Manager and Oshkosh Common Council for approval. Please be aware of the dates that the Common Council (2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month) meet so that your request can be presented before the event is held. Event applications must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the event.
- What other events are occurring that may cause a conflict?
With so many events held in our city, resources can be spread thin. This is especially true during the summer months. If the event you are planning will require police service, it is important to know ahead of time what other events are already planned. This information can be obtained by contacting the City Special Event Coordinator
- Are special Licenses needed?
Events that will serve food or alcohol will require special licenses. These events may also require an inspection by the health and fire departments to ensure that health and fire codes are met.
- What services will the Police Department provide?
For events on city streets such as runs, walks and parades, the Oshkosh Police Department will assist with traffic control. This service is based on the availability of Officers. For this reason, it is important to make your requests as early as possible so that our department can staff appropriately.
In these ways, the Special Operations Unit helps fulfill the mission of the Oshkosh Police Department, which is to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life in our community through innovative policing and community partnerships.
Oshkosh Convention & Visitors Bureau