Team Policing
What is Team Policing?
The Oshkosh Police Department has embraced the philosophy and implementation of "Team Policing." Team policing is a modification of Community Oriented Policing where the same Team of officers across all shifts is assigned to patrol the same District. The City is organized into 7 Districts, each supervised by a Patrol Sergeant and comprised of Patrol Officers, supported by Detectives and School Resource Officers. The fundamentals of Team Policing are being community oriented, problem-solving focused, and data driven.
The main component of team policing is for the officers to work together with the community to establish partnerships. Communication is a key factor, and it is important for the officers to share information with each other as well as to share information with citizens. It is so much easier to work on problems and find a solution when all the parties involved know each other. The teams focus on problem-solving and assisting neighborhoods with improving quality of life issues. Policing has generally been reactive; Team Policing is proactive in addressing problem and other nuisance type situations. Several of the teams have distributed crime prevention information and safety tips to the businesses in their areas and have held Neighborhood Watch meetings. Others have participated in Safety Fairs, community education and have been seen "walking the beat."
Some of the benefits of Team Policing come from the officers truly getting to know their team area better and feeling a sense of ownership for what goes on there. They are more aware of "the little things" as well as the bigger problems. The officers have developed a sense of pride for positive interaction and activity in their area. The citizens also know they can go to one of their team officers, and no matter what the issue, they have someone who will listen and help work out a solution. This way, citizens get to know us before they need us.
The team approach allows officers to continue the day-to-day patrol functions such as responding to calls for service. The major change is what the officers do when they have "down time" and are not assigned to a specific call or duty. Our main function is still to prevent and solve crimes, and Team Policing promotes this with the cooperative efforts of both the police and the community. Citizens are encouraged to contact the Oshkosh Police Department at (920) 236-5700 to report non-emergency situations and file police reports.
Who are my District Officers?
As part of the Team Policing Neighborhood Officer initiative, the Police Department in coordination with City IT, developed an interactive map that illustrates 151 Neighborhood Reporting Areas (outlined in blue on the map) and the seven Police Districts (color shaded areas) of the City. Locate a specific area of the map within a blue colored neighborhood boundary that you are interested in and click on that location to bring up an information box that identifies the following:
- Photo of the Officer assigned to that specific neighborhood with linkable email and cell phone number to contact the officer directly for circumstances that are not emergencies or that may not require an immediate response. The neighborhood officer will return your call or email within a reasonable amount of time. For emergencies, dial 911.
- Clickable link to the Zone Lieutenant, District Sergeants and Team of Officers assigned to the larger District where that neighborhood is located.
Another option for contacting your neighborhood or district officer is to call the Police Department at (920) 236-5700 and ask to talk with or meet the officer assigned to your neighborhood and/or District. After giving the call taker your address, they will be able to give you more contact information about your neighborhood officer.
Lieutenants for each Zone are listed below:
East Zone:
Lieutenant Mark Beggs
(920) 379-3553
Central Zone:
Lieutenant Matt Ziegler
(920) 252-0231
South Zone:
Lieutenant Robert Kraemer
(920) 252-0216
Sergeants for each District are listed below:
District 1:
Sergeant Brenden Bonnett
(920) 252-0228
District 2:
Sergeant Sarah Pauer
(920) 252-5467
District 3:
Sergeant Adam Haberland
(920) 252-0230
District 4:
Sergeant Brad Fox
(920) 252-0204
District 5:
Sergeant Kyle Roberts
(920) 252-0207
District 6:
District 7:
Sergeant Aaron Achterberg
(920) 252-0220
Click here or on the image below to access our interactive Reporting Area Map

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