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Motorcycle Unit and CCOV in a parade
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Officer at a school
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Criminal Investigation Division - Juvenile Programs

Photo of Sergeant Sonny GogoSergeant Sonny Gogo

(920) 236-5083 | Email

Juvenile Programs are supervised by the Criminal Investigation Division Sergeant and include the School Resource Officer (SRO) Program and the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program.

School Resource Officers:

School Resource Officers continue to provide classroom instruction to educate students about various laws as they relate to juveniles and provide preventative information pertaining to a number of topics that currently affect our youth population.

There is no question that the benefits of School Resource Officers are numerous. They provide a much-needed service to the Oshkosh Area School District, expertise in juvenile law and alleviate the response to the schools from the Patrol Division. School Resource Officers are also an asset to the Criminal Investigation Division, assisting with the caseload by taking on investigations involving juveniles because of their access to these victims, witnesses, and suspects. In addition to their primary duties, School Resource Officers are informally considered to be teachers, counselors, mentors and mediators.

Meet Your SRO Officers:

Photo of School Resource Officer Deana Brandl
Deana Brandl
Carl Traeger Middle School
Photo of School Resource Officer Angel Nunez
Angel Nunez
Oshkosh West High School
Photo of Matthew Steinert
Matthew Steinert
Oshkosh North High School
Photo of School Resource Officer Jacob Rennie
Jacob Rennie
South Park Middle School
Photo of Tanner Rasmussen
Tanner Rasmussen
Perry Tipler Middle School
Photo of Dellas Vandenberg
Dellas Vandenberg
Vel Phillips Middle School

Drug Abuse Resistance Education:

D.A.R.E. LogoDARE is overseen by an advisory board comprised of police personnel, school staff, and concerned members of the community. The Oshkosh Police Department has seven DARE Officers who all share SRO or Patrol Officer duties.

Questions about the SRO or DARE Program can be directed to the CID Sergeant at the telephone number or email address listed above.

Meet Your DARE Officers:

Photo of Detective Officer Tony Flaig
Detective Tony Flaig
Oaklawn Elementary School
Photo of Deana Brandl
Officer Deana Brandl
Carl Traeger Elementary School and Lourdes Academy
Photo of Tanner Rasmussen
Officer Tanner Rasmussen
Franklin Elementary and Roosevelt Elementary Schools
Photo of Officer Courtney Scoles
Officer Courtney Scoles
Jacob Shapiro Elementary and Jefferson Elementary Schools
Photo of Officer Matt Pierce
Officer Matt Pierce
Valley Christian and Read Elementary Schools
Photo of Officer Dellas Vandenberg
Officer Dellas Vandenberg
Emeline Cook Elementary School
Photo of Officer Andy Baltadano
Officer Andy Baltadano
Menominee Elementary School