Criminal Investigation Division - Evidence Control
The Evidence Control Center is a secure area of the Police Department with limited access to provide safe storage of all evidence and other property being held by the department. The Evidence Control Center is supervised by the Criminal Investigation Division Lieutenant and daily operations are carried out by one full time Evidence Clerk and one part time Evidence Clerk. The Evidence Clerk is responsible for the custody of all evidence and other property once it's logged into the Police Department by Detectives, Patrol Officers, or Community Service Officers. The duties of the Evidence Clerk include acceptance, control, and disposition of found, recovered, or evidentiary property in accordance with state law and department policy.
Citizens who wish to inquire about the status of any property being held by the Police Department should contact the Evidence Clerk at the phone number or email address listed above. Due to the restricted access of the Evidence Control Center, property is returned by appointment only. Any evidentiary property being held in connection with a pending criminal case cannot be released until after the final court disposition, unless written authorization is provided by the District Attorney's Office.
- Kris Jahns - Full time Evidence Control Clerk -
236-5748 - Email
- Steve Schauz - Part time Evidence Control Clerk -
236-5721 - Email