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Officers standing by squad cars
Motorcycle Unit and CCOV in a parade
Officers at a community fun run
Officers high fiving citizens at a community event
Officers at a charity event with the CCOV
Honor Gaurd folding the American flag
Officer at a school
Officers standing at attention

Patrol Division

Honor Guard

It is the policy of the Oshkosh Police Department to represent the City of Oshkosh in a professional manner when called upon to provide the Honor Guard at any authorized function such as a funeral, parade, ceremony, charitable cause, or other special event.

Honor Gaurd in a parade

The Oshkosh Police Honor Guard consists of 10 members:

  • Lieutenant Matt Ziegler
  • Lieutenant Rob Kraemer
  • Sergeant Kyle Roberts
  • Sergeant Brenden Bonnett
  • Officer Nick Kawleski
  • Officer Aaron Roberts
  • Officer Grant Wilson
  • Officer Tanner Rasmussen
  • Officer Keith Norkofski
  • Officer Jason Konitzer
  • Officer Reagan Abbey
  • Officer Austin Magedanz

The Honor Guard performs at a variety of different functions such as:

  • Funerals for active and retired officers of the Oshkosh Police Department
  • Parades and/or processions/Community celebrations
  • Funerals of active law enforcement officers in the state of Wisconsin
  • Participating in the Law Enforcement Memorial in Madison

The Honor Guard receives their initial training at an Honor Guard camp that is put on by law enforcement personnel from around the country.

The Oshkosh Police Department Honor Guard Unit is dedicated to the memory of three officers who gave up their lives in the line of duty.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Wisconsin National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

Honor Gaurd in front of Oshkosh City Hall
Honor Gaurd standing at attention
Honor Gaurd in at a Brewers game
Honor Gaurd holding flags